The Inspired Change Summit has been a gathering of amazing speaking guests, presented by Earth Is Waking Up!
Since many of our listeners have joined since the summit began, we’re showing the replays on this page, to allow everyone a chance to catch the other calls/interviews. The replays will stay up here for now, until the summit completes. So, if you’d like to own the series, it would still make sense to purchase it (click the ‘Get VIP Pass’ button at top right of this page).
You’re invited to come and explore new experiences and possibilities as each speaker shares about How to BE more of the Authentic You. This summit covers a range of topics around the subject of healing ourselves and the planet. Please join us as we talk about gluten, nutrition, functional medicine, hormone balancing, energy, movement, intuition, reducing stress, boosting self-esteem, prosperity & abundance, galactic light beings and 12-strand DNA activation, Akashic records, and SO MUCH more!